Solar Plexus Chakra Essence 太陽輪寶石花精 10ml
療癒課題 :
太陽神經叢 / 太陽輪位於胃部附近,這脈輪的問題是與自我價值有關的,對個人的力量,意志力和正向的情緒表達都有關連。
當你對於別人的情緒或情感過於敏感時; 對別人的思想、感覺、負面情緒、負面心靈力量過於開放感到脆弱無力時。太陽神經叢感到緊張及不舒適時。 缺乏自我價值、失去個人界線及有無力感時。 有情感的依賴及苛索而表現出需要有條件的愛時。充滿野心及侵略心、憤怒。 氣場中理智體過度活躍時。
【對應於太陽輪】- 黃色、火、自我定義、下心智體,音符E
太陽輪的重點提示 :
- 情緒
- 敏感性
- 脆弱
- 自我價值
The issues of the Solar Plexus chakra relate to self-definition, personal power, will and positive emotional expression. When it is functioning well we experience healthy personalboundaries, balanced personal power, positive self-value and the constructive use of will power.
When to Use:
Oversensitive; too open to others thoughts & feelings or negative psychic impressions. A sense of vulnerability. Feelings of unease in solar plexus chakra area. Lack of self worth. Lack of personal boundaries. Power issues. Emotional neediness & conditional love. Aggression, anger. An overly active mental body.
Relates to - Yellow, Fire, Self Definition, Lower Mental Body, Musical note E.